There is an extensive list of things to consider when you decide to build a home. Comfort, layout, and location among them. Energy efficiency is one of those things that has crept up the list, especially in the last few years. What do you need to consider when it comes to an energy-efficient home? Check out our list on how to build a more energy-efficient home.
Conserve Space: The easiest way to lower an energy bill is by having less space to heat, and light. The smaller the space, the less energy it takes to keep it warm, which lowers your energy cost, and consumption!
Use the Sun to Your Advantage: Most of the sunlight that comes into your home will come from the south and the east. By having more windows and your east and south-facing walls, and less on your west and north-facing walls, you are able to use the sun as a no-cost method of heating!
Windows & Doors: When deciding on windows and doors, you want the most energy-efficient options available. While all windows and doors sold in Canada are Energy Star compliant, some may work better than others. If energy efficiency is your goal, now is not the time to cut costs.
Lights, Appliances, and Electronics: With today’s options of smart home technology available, consider smart lighting, appliances, and outlets. Investing in smart home technology, and energy-efficient appliances is a duo that can help cut energy costs for you!